Liberating higher education from the restrictions that hinder it from performing its role in comprehensive social development, offering it to those who desire it in a way that suits their social and practical conditions, and overcoming temporal and spatial restrictions, as well as racial and ethnic restrictions.
– Promote continuing education and community education.
Creating major human development by spreading higher education and qualifying and preparing trained manpower capable of meeting development needs.
– Increasing the efficiency of utilizing the current higher education resources (human and material), so that all Sudanese universities become centers of the Open University, and their professors become professors at the Open University, as well as its laboratories and halls.
– Facing the increasing number of successful students who do not find positions in the current universities (as it is expected that more than two hundred thousand students will not find their seats in Sudanese universities despite the increase in their numbers and the expansion of admission to them).
Reducing the effects of the higher education revolution represented in the scarcity of professors, the weakness of university libraries, the suffering of students in their pension, housing and transportation, in addition to other social conditions that students suffer from, especially female students.
Supporting higher and public education institutions through modern educational technologies, so that the specially prepared university book becomes a reference for the university student, and the university electronic library becomes a comprehensive library of references and all scientific fields through one subscription available to Sudanese university students.
Accepting large numbers of students, thus reducing the cost of educating one student in this system, and reducing the cost of infrastructure compared to other universities.